Really great
You finished that in just a few days, great work. I really like it man (;.
Really great
You finished that in just a few days, great work. I really like it man (;.
no sleep = finished flash
pretty cool
I remember back when you joined the LL lmao. You were really bad, you have improved a fucking lot now though. But there's still a lot of room for improvement (;.
98% of newcomers suck at flash. and I was one of them.
But yeah. I could propably do a lot better then this but I just wanted to get this done. Even though I had time today.
I'll try to spent more time on my other flashes in the future.
Love it
Great work, buddy
Thanks pumpkin.
Really great work, Coffee
That was really great. The most outstanding solo-lock movie I've ever watched. Really great art, awesome story and nice effects.
Haha thanks, yeah it's been literally years since i've had an honest stab at a lock flash with a storyline and all that, glad you liked it.
Wow, that really wasn't very good
I really don't get how this can get a score of 4.27. This is ridicules.
You put in as many video game references as you were able to, that probably boosted up the score by 1.00. You are referencing to another successful series on Newgrounds, Tankmen. The jokes are really lame but they were probably made for 13-14 year old Newgrounders.
I wish I could understand how something with almost tweens ONLY gets such a high score. It's a fucking tweenfest, it's not even animation. It's 70% self generated. I didn't really see a lot of easing in there either, I might be wrong though.
The good points about this is probably the art. Aside from the backgrounds that looked traced (City 17) and the very crappy Gordan Freeman head that was constantly looking down. And aside from the gravity gun that was a googled image.
That was pretty much everything I can say about this. Um, nice lip syncing, too, I guess.
you're out numbered.
Heres a review by someone above the age of 12
Review: This was actually worse then your last bowsers kingdom episode, which i didnt think was possible, i guess you really are full of suprises. Sadly the movie itself wasnt, horribly animated sprites, horrible voice acting and some of the poorest writing ive seen in a while. Im not going to retread the same ground of what i wrote in my bowsers kingdom review. But i do have one positive thing to say, im glad you put the skip button in, otherwise i would have had to watch the whole thing to feel like i wasnt cheated out of bandwith, but thanks to your skip button i got to fast forward the whole thing, so thanks for giving me the option to skip all this crap.
Now all i have to do is prepare myself for the flood of angry ass kissers you have following you to send there hate mail to my PM box.
lmao great
great work, Ross. I really liked the animation in that.
um wtf
r u dissin ma ways of animatuin?
wtf is wron wit u=!=!?
really nice animation, love it.
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Joined on 12/3/04