Loved it :P
Ryan seems to have a love for the Il.
I am currently living in Sonderborg, Denmark. If you want to meet up go send me a PM or something i'm lonely jk
Age 34, Male
being da funny bunny
studying computer science
Joined on 12/3/04
Loved it :P
Ryan seems to have a love for the Il.
he sure does and thanks
u motherfuckjgigdfg
are you trying to seduce me
I love you since we both have a post on the front page now.
I will watch that movie when i'm out of the job for sure!
lmao oh hopeku you will always be one of my 3 favorite frenchies from canada
I enjoyed it.
thank u dr cox
rtil's was good. Rest sucked and you're not a badass for burning a piece of fabric in your mom's backyard with your dad's zippo fluid :D
oh wait youre his little butt buddy hello little butt buddy
you know when i saw this post on the front page i thought you were joking.
isnt it a dream come true
awesome, send me the video when you reach 30
fuck you lOLZ
I drive lifted trucks, and I listen to rock
I don't eat fried chicken or have a 12 inch cock
I don't eat beans, or illegally jump borders
I don't drive souped up Civics or Toyotas
I don't put 24 inch rims on my Suburban
I don't blow up buildings or wear a turban
Half of us are guilty leftist bleeding hearts
The other half use fags as targets for darts
I don't eat curry or food with 10 pounds of spice
I know who my dad is, my mom slept with him more than twice
I didn't have Bud Light in my baby bottle
And my sister's not a teen mom model
I don't want a 1000 watt system, no thanks
I don't read weird the Bible backwards or get horny looking at banks
I'm not a n****r, a spic, an jap, a-rab or a kike
A chink or a mutt, I'm proud to be WHITE!!!
when is number three coming
not sure, eman was supposed to make it but it never got done.
no motherland without you, kim jong il
I wonder if kim is a girl cause
1. it's called motherland
2. kim is also a girls name